What Should I Expect?
Christian Life Church is a non-denominational, Spirit-filled, contemporary church. Our worship is a blend of modern praise and worship and contemporary Christian music. We regularly use drama, video, and other creative forms of artistic expression in order to communicate in the most effective way possible, the timeless truths of Scripture.
Do You Have Childcare?
YES and NO! YES! we will care for your children! But, NO! We are FAR MORE committed to our next generation of leaders than JUST to provide childcare. We have a full-blown children’s MINISTRY staffed with both paid and volunteer personnel who are passionate about ministering to children. We are committed to having a safe, secure, and stimulating environment for all children who come to Christian Life Church. All of our leadership team and volunteer ministers are required to go through a comprehensive training and screening process before serving in any area dealing with children. In addition, all of our children’s facilities are monitored 24/7 with a video surveillance system.
Our children’s ministry team provides age-appropriate classes for all children from birth to grade 5. Music, drama, large group time, and small group discussions make biblical principles relevant to our next generation of leaders.
Just had a newborn? Perfect! We have a room dedicated to nursing mothers that is available during all service times and all of our restrooms are equipped with diapering stations.
Final note: Don’t think of our children’s staff as “workers” … they don’t think of themselves as “workers” but as “ministers” to partner with parents to provide for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of every child.

What Should I Wear?
​Our church has a casual and informal style so you can “come as you are.” You are welcome to wear a suit and/or a tie, but be prepared to be in the distinct minority (smile).
Will I Be Singled Out For Recognition As A Guest?
We know that most people coming to check out a church don’t want to be publicly recognized. We’ll welcome you personally, but not publicly. We respect your anonymity.

How Do I Join
Christian Life Church?
Christian Life Church has a multi-week membership class series called “Discovering CLC.” The purpose of the class is to give more information to individuals who are thinking about joining the church. The class is provided about 4 times each year. Use the “Contact Us” button on our home page to be informed when the next series is starting or just keep your eye on our online calendar.